

Campaign Against Poverty Case Studies

How We Help

Boy drinking from standpipe

66% Lack Access to Clean Drinking Water

What We Do To Help

Water is a basic necessity, yet millions have no access to clean, drinkable water – leading to illness, death and, fundamentally, the perpetuation of poverty. Campaign Against Poverty aims to change this.

African Classroom

40% Without Basic Literacy Skills

What We Do To Help

Education is essential to find work and break out of the poverty trap. Thousands of children in Ghana, however, are not enrolled at school. With your help, we will support the next generation to access learning.

girl by chair

51% Have No Access To Healthcare

What We Do To Help

Health care should be available to all, but for the poor this is too often not the case, leading to permanent infirmity, disability and death. Learn more about how a lack of access to medical treatment has affected residents in rural Ghana.

A Campaign Against Poverty Documentary about abject poverty

The Miserable, The Wretched and The Forgotten